What is a documentary family photography session really like?|Why a documentary family photo session is the easiest photo session you’ll ever do and captures the real you |A North Yorkshire documentary family photographer takes you behind the scenes.

Ever wondered what a documentary family photography session is really like? Curious about what a documentary family photography session even is? How is a documentary session different from a normal family phoography session? Are you worried that your family isn’t ‘interesting’ enough or you wouldn’t be sparkling enough as a family to make interesting images on a day in the life family photography session in your own home? Or concerned that your home is just too small or too messy or too dark or too ‘not-yet-finished’ to have an in-home session with family photographer?
Well I can not only tell you that every family is interesting enough and special enough just doing the regular stuff you do as a family for amazing documentary-style family photographs – that just being you is enough to capture all the connection and interactions that tell your family story and that no home is too small, too dingy or too cluttered – but I can show you as well!
This little film will show you behind the scenes on a recent documentary family photography session. Filmed in South London, although I’m now based in Malton, in North Yorkshire, you’ll see washing hanging in the tiny bathroom, kids jumping about on beds, bursting in with nerf guns and piling toys into the bath, rolling about on beds and sofas and making ‘music’. Just all the ordinary stuff families get up to on an average day together. Nothing special. Nothing planned. No poses or awkward grins. Just natural personal personalities, interactions and connections captured on camera as they happen – documentary-style beautiful natural family photos.
You’ll also see me doing what I do – chatting to the people I’m photographing, creeping into bathrooms to capture professional candid photos of children giggling and up to mischief, choosing the interesting angle or composition to preserve the memory. And you’ll see some of the end images that I took during the in-home session and I hope you’ll agree that an in-home documentary family photo session – unscripted and organic – produces gorgeous images that your family will treasure for years to come.
With the hint of spring in the air and summer just over the hill, my books are starting to fill up for family photo sessions – especially for families wanting to take advantage of warmer weather and book an outdoor session. If you’re considering a family photo session this year in Yorkshire to update your family album with natural, relaxed and real photos of you and your family, do get in touch soon to avoid disappointment.