Rachel Rimell featured in Rankin-curated 'This is Britain' showcase
I’ve been published before. As a press photographer I’ve been published many times over. I’ve been shortlisted for prestigious awards and competitions. I’ve been internationally featured on occasion. I’ve even had some of my work exhibited as a London family photographer (upcoming exhibition in Blackheath as a side note – watch this space!).
But to appear in the recent This is Britain coffee table photobook, which documents British life over one weekend in October, is definitely up there as a career highlight. Curated by legendary British portrait photographer Rankin, the book showcases the day to day life of Britain around the country with all proceeds from the sale of the book going to Children in Need.
Over 11,000 images were submitted. From those Rankin selected 300 to appear in the book.
And little ol’ me has not one, not two, not even three but four – FOUR – images featured. I am truly honoured and humbled to be the only photographer to have been featured four times in the book, including two full page spreads, in three categories – ‘At play’; ‘My family and other animals’; and ‘And so to bed’ – with images of my own children taken over that weekend.
These were the final four that made the cut.
And you can buy the book This is Britain here: the perfect Christmas gift packed full of stunning images on British life.