the pink line


68 page soft back book, perfect bound, 200gsm, uncoated

The Pink Line is a photographic record of two women’s incredible bond of friendship through infertility and surrogacy.

Katie has never achieved a pink line on a pregnancy test. After 11 failed rounds of IVF, including using donor sperm or eggs, Katie’s long-time friend Dani successfully conceived using a donor egg and Pete’s sperm.

Surrogacy in the UK is an under-considered option for couples undergoing fertility treatment and is often seen as a last resort. The commonly-asked question is ‘why not adopt?’

In collaboration with Katie, her husband Pete and Dani, The Pink Line aims to challenge stereotypes of what a journey to motherhood looks like.

Photographed over the duration of the surrogacy, the series explores Katie’s desire for motherhood and what drove Dani to offer her body as a surrogate.

Baby Arthur was born by Cesaerean Section at 9.20am on 8th August 2022, weighing 8lb 12oz. His middle name is Daniel, named after the incredible woman who made him possible.


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